Mission Statement

The Australian Hand Surgery Society promotes the pursuit of excellence in hand surgery by:

  • Conducting Scientific Meetings
  • Promoting Fellowship
  • Liaising with National and International Surgical Bodies
  • Undertaking Hand Surgery Teaching

Current Executive

Prof Mark Ross


David McCombe

A/Prof David McCombe

Immediate Past President

Dr Jennifer Green


Dr Libby Anderson


Prof Gregory Bain

President Elect

Tanya Burgess

Dr Tanya Burgess

Board Director

Dr Sharon Chu

Board Director

Dr Sarah Tolerton

Board Director

Our History

In Sydney interested surgeons had formed an association to discuss hand surgery clinical cases and this group had started regular meetings in 1961. Crawford McKellar was an enthusiastic and active person whose endeavours led to the formation of the New South Wales Hand Surgery Association in 1963. This group held regular meetings, and had some interstate members, including John Hueston of Melbourne, and Peter Millroy from Brisbane.

This New South Wales Hand Surgery Association has continued to prosper, and holds four or five clinical meetings a year, sometimes with an overseas guest professor.

In 1970, and again in 1971, John Hueston invited members of the NSW Hand Surgery Association to Melbourne, for informal discussion of hand surgery cases, and demonstrations of his surgical expertise. At this time the concept of a nationwide hand surgery society was discussed, and amongst the members of the NSW Hand Surgery Association a draft constitution was prepared and a mechanism for setting up an inaugural meeting considered.

In March 1972 Sir Benjamin Rank came to Sydney and was met by the office bearers of the NSW Hand Surgery Association, Alan McJannet, Frank Harvey, Richard Honner and John Allman. After discussion of the objects of the group he agreed to support the concept of a National Hand Surgery Society, and to chair the meeting required for its formation.

The foundation meeting was held on 1 July 1972 in the hall of the British Medical Association building in Macquarie Street, Sydney, with 47 surgeons from around the country in attendance.

The draft constitution was discussed and eventually accepted, and the organisation was named The Australian Hand Club.

Australian State Hand Surgery Societies


President: Bryce Meads
E: brycemeads@gmail.com

Secretary: David Bradshaw
E: davidabradshaw@gmail.com

Treasurer: Anna Watson
E: reception@drawatson.com.au

Website: nswhand.org


President: Christopher Blenkin
E: reception@blenkin.com.au

Secretary & Treasurer: Angelo Rondo
E: secretary@qhss.com.au

Website: qhss.com.au


President: Peter Maloney
E: Peter.maloney@vhsa.com.au

Secretary/Treasurer: David Syme
E: david@davidsyme.com.au


President: Sharon Chu
E: drsharonchu@gmail.com

Secretary: Angus Keogh
E: anguskeogh@gmail.com

Website: washs.com.au



President: John White
E: john.white2@sa.gov.au

Secretary & Treasurer: Oscar Brumby-Rendell
E: oscar.br@me.com

Hand Surgery Directory

Committees/Advisory Groups


Education Committee Chair: Tanya Burgess
PFET Coordinators: Alexa Potter & Andrew Mayo
AHSS President: Mark Ross
General Members: Abhinav Aggarwal
Travelling Fellowship Committee Chair: Greg Bain
Annual Conference Convenors: Paul Jarrett & Sharon Chu


PFET – selection and assessment
Journal clubs
Review/rectify Hand Fellowship programs
Registrar/Fellow meeting content
Work with RACS for member CME
Chairperson Conference Convenor – AHSS, AOA, RACS, PSC
Travelling Fellowship

Chair – Travelling Fellowship Coordinator: Greg Bain
AHSS President: Mark Ross
Education Committee Chair: Tanya Burgess
PFET Chair: Alexa Potter & Andrew Mayo
A Former AHSS Travelling Fellow (who is not an AHSS Board Member)
An International Guest Speaker

Chair Research Committee: Mark Ross

Chair: David Graham
Members: Sarah Coll, Richard Lawson

Chair: Mark Baker

Members: Jeff Ecker, Mark Ross, David McCombe, Tony Berger, Libby Anderson, Michael Sandow, Ian Hargreaves, Sharon Chu, Sarah Coll, Nick Smith (ADL) & Steven Tham

Newsletter Editor: Jennifer Green 
Social Media Editor: Sarah Tolerton 
Website Editors: Sarah Tolerton & Abhinav Aggarwal

APFSSH Representative: Jennifer Green
IFFSH Representative: Roland Hicks
AHSS Archivist: Roland Hicks